Hawk’s Nest Resort & Marina
Cat Island enjoys a mild climate due to the prevailing southeasterly trade winds. Seawater temperatures average 83 degrees in August and 75 degrees in February. The climate is subtropical and weather conditions are mild, providing excellent flying, boating and holiday weather year round.
The Bahamian dollar exchanges at par with the US dollar. It is not necessary to exchange US dollars for Bahamian money. For your convenience while touring the island, it is recommended that you carry cash for purchases. Hawk’s Nest accepts VISA and MASTERCARD, Travelers Checks and cash for daily purchases and settling bills. Personal checks are not accepted.
The Bahamas lie scattered across more than 100,000 square miles of the western Atlantic Ocean. From a point roughly 70 miles east of West Palm Beach, Florida, this great archipelago extends some 720 miles into the northern Caribbean. Of the 700 islands that constitute the Bahamas only about 30 are inhabited. It is believed that Cat Island, the seventh largest in the Bahamas, was discovered by none other than Christopher Columbus who originally named the island San Salvador. Regardless of whether Columbus stopped here or not, the island has a rich history of adventurers, slaves, buccaneers, farmers, and visionaries from all over the world. During the 1600s and the early 1700s pirates and privateers like Sir Francis Drake and Blackbeard patrolled the waters of the out islands. In fact it is thought that Cat Island acquired its name from a pirate and contemporary of Blackbeard, Arthur Catt who was a frequent visitor to the island.
With a population of 1,700 the Cat Island of today remains much the same as it was in 1492 when it was first discovered. Rolling hills, dense woodlands, and isolated beaches cover Cat Island’s 150 square miles. This boot-shaped, untamed island is one of the most beautiful and fertile of The Bahamas. A lush sanctuary, it provides tranquility for those seeking an escape from the pressures of modern civilization.